Shawls - the red colours are from iron oxides and tannins Imperial River Visitors exploring the Imperial Cave Shawls and helictites Visitor exploring on a guided tour Active flowstone Stalactite in the Imperial Cave The Crystal City Stalagmites at the Crystal City Touch specimen in the Orient Cave Broken Column in the Lucas Cave Canopy with stalactites Water can shape the limestone into fantastic formations Jenolan has three huge natural arches through the limestone A guided tour Rich colours can be seen in the shawls and stalactites Ancient muds can sometimes be seen in caves Phreatic chamber - formed by slow moving water The Lace Curtain in the Lucas Cave The Unicorns Horn in the Lucas Cave Cave breakdown in the Lucas Cave Slow moving water can form jug handles or holes through the limestone Stairs leading through a natural cave arch Visitors admiring the Imperial River A young Brush-tailed Rock-wallaby warming itself by a light Egyptian Wall in the Orient Cave Visitors exploring the largest chamber in the Lucas Cave, the Exhibition Chamber Columns - where stalactites and stalagmites join Columns in the making Interpretive sign at the Devil's Coach House lookdown View out of the Grand Arch Columns, shawls and stalactites The Red Shawl Glittery rim pools Visitors admiring the cave structure