Jenolan Caves Reserve Trust
The Jenolan Caves Reserve Trust (JCRT) is a body corporate, established under the provisions of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974, and is responsible for the care, control and management of the Visitor Use and Services Zone (VUSZ) within the Jenolan Karst Conservation Reserve. The Trust is responsible to the Minister for Environment and Heritage.
The role of the Jenolan Caves Reserve Trust is to protect, conserve and present the natural and cultural heritage of the VUSZ, in an environmentally, socially and financially responsible and sustainable manner. The VUSZ is an area of about 50 hectares within the larger Jenolan Karst Conservation Reserve.
The VUSZ contains most of the show and adventure caves, all visitor accommodation and facilities including the historic Caves House and all associated utilities and services. The Reserve is one of the eight properties contained within the Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area, and it is also listed on both the national and state heritage lists. The Trust therefore has other statutory responsibilities under the Heritage Act 1977 and the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cmth).
The Trust collaborates closely with the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, the Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Committee and with Aboriginal communities on joint park management activities across the Reserve and across the wider Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area.
The Trust also works very closely with Oberon Council and regional tourism operators and businesses to encourage visitation to the Central West and Blue Mountains.